How to make your business go digital (p1.3)

Muad Arshad
Technology Hits
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2021


Taking your business online and building your web presence

Launching your business online is not as easy as one can think it could be - nor is it extra-ordinarily hard. Keep the right steps at the right time and you will be making a sound Return-On-Investment (ROI) on your business.

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

After getting an opening on how to differentiate between online and offline marketing, there are four distinct stages of your business that can assist you in doing good sales in the online market.

1. See

2. Do

3. Think

4. Care

These factors cover the reasons to see how your business can offer useful ways to identify where you should invest effort in connecting with the right customers that you want to have your products and services sold to.


This is the aspect where a customer would most probably look for in order to find inspiration prior to making a purchase. A simpler example to understand could be a situation where a pet owner, who happens to be active on social media sharing posts and adding stories of pet food. This could trigger an inspiration for a pet lover to buy or adopt a pet from your store, and to buy pet food too!

The temptation a person gets by seeing things is far influential than many other methods — proven statistically.


This point covers the search aspect of a potential buyer who is looking for the best pet food providers in her city. The stage at which the true admirer of pets thinks thoroughly and search for queries like “Places to buy pet food near me” or “"Places to buy pet toys near me”. During this stage, the searches guide an interested buyer of your pet food products to blogs on pets/pet food, advertisements etc.

Do and Care

This is the action point of the pet lover. The pet lover makes the purchase during this stage and they post about your business — what really matters, some marketing!

The posting basically happens in any platform the pet lover prefers. Either way, you are a step ahead now. You got yourself a customer who has done marketing on your behalf and also now, it is the prime aim of your business to keep her aligned with your business for her future pet food and related services.

Knowing the four stages mentioned above and looking at those from a potential buyer’s perspective is precious. Now that you know where and how you should approach your online audience and how to penetrate through to the target audience using the most tactful method, it is the right time for you to know about building online presence.

Choosing Your mode of Online presence

When you think about some of the ways you can take your business online, you think about how you can do it right away — social media, websites, mobile and web applications, blogs etc.

Rounding off the final conclusion is quite tricky, when it comes to deciding on what method you should select to promote your business online there are few factors you should take into consideration such as the stage at which the business is in.

If your business is at an early stage, you might consider about having an active social media presence as it will help reach a larger audience, than possibly investing on your business application.

Out of the numerous ways how you can invest on your business to flourish in an online world, a website is a popular approach business’s make. This approach has numerous advantages and a few disadvantages as well.

Taking your business online is just as tricky as making a sound online presence!

Stay tuned and follow me at Muad Arshad to keep you posted on how to make the maximum use of a website for your business, its pros and cons.

About Author:

I am an Associate Business Analyst keeping baby-steps to bring the writer in me, while learning basics and advanced techniques in writing.

Based on the knowledge I have acquired during my undergraduate studies and online courses I have followed, I am willing to share my knowledge at no cost. This is an effort to share my knowledge on Digital Marketing.

My medium handle is Muad Arshad where you can find out articles I have written on random topics, life experiences and tech-based roles! — whoops

Reach me on twitter through @muad_0911 and on LinkedIn through Muad Arshad!




Muad Arshad
Technology Hits

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